Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Hairdressers are still a work in progress...but nearly done!

Just finished "The Link" over the weekend, and so far it is my favorite. Worked on another one called "Blondage", still tweaking the color a bit, but so far this one's the sexiest.

Also last night on the drive home from work, I saw a bunch of old school inspired chola girls
crossing the street and was inspired to draw this girl with a massive pompadour. She's probably the only girl I've drawn with her clothes on.
Gonna paint this pissed off chick today. Working on a mini-comic also. If time permits, I'll try to post it before leaving for S.F.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

APE is Approaching!!!! Gotta hurry!

Here's a sneak peek at some of the new art I'm going to sell at APE. Time is going by quickly and I have to hurry. But so far here's a finished graphite and watercolor of "Zero" and below are the finished pencils of "The Link".

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Haidresser Series

Still working on some prints for this year's Alternative Press Expo. The Hairdresser series continues to be my latest obsession. Covering women with their own hair to make clothing, furniture, etc. seems to be very organic, yet a little revealing. I LIKE IT!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hair Dresser

Flat Hues
Final color

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


NUBIAN INK is in full effect! Been doodling lately, not much, but just some things to post here and there.

Sketch of a Japanese girl from an issue of "Fruits".
My version of the 9th Dr. Who, Christopher Eccleston.